October 12, 2024 11:39 pm

NBA Accreditation:UG-CSE,ETCE (6yrs) & UG-IT,IEE,PE (3yrs)

  • 2nd in State Public University Category, 9th in University Category, 12th in Engineering Category, 18th in Pharmacy Category, 21st in Research Category and 17th in Overall Category.
  • NBA Accreditation: UG-CSE and UG-ETCE for the academic years 2024-25 to 2029-30 & UG-IT, UG-IEE, UG-PE for the academic years 2023-24 to 2025-26
  • NBA Accredited Programs
  • NIRF India Ranking 2023: 4th in 'University', 10th in 'Engineering', 19th in 'Research', 18th in 'Pharmacy' and 13th in 'Overall' category
  • National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC) reaccredited Jadavpur University for the third cycle with grade A and CGPA 3.68 on a scale of 4
  • QS World University Rankings Asia 2022: Second highest ranked State University in India, Asian rank 162
  • Times (Asia University) Rankings 2021: Ranked in 201-250 band
  • Times World Universities Rankings 2022: Ranked in the 801-1000 band

Geological Sciences

The Department of Geological Sciences, established in 1956 at Jadavpur University, is one of the most recognized geoscience departments in India, securing the status of Center for Advanced Studies way back in the early eighties. The innovative research, passionate pedagogy, productive public engagement, and relevant outreach activities steered the Department to find a place in the front row of globally top geological institutes. This Department runs well-curated UG, PG, and PhD programs, with remarkable flexibility and curiosity-driven learning scope in the curricula. Its alumni are currently holding responsible and leading positions in academia, industry, and public administration all over the world. The Department strives to address fundamental science questions on the surface to deep earth processes, keeping relevance to the critical environmental issues and societal needs.


The Department of Geological Sciences at Jadavpur University has earned an outstanding position through its impactful academic and research contributions in the last 65 years. It is a unique geoscience department in India to have created a platform for earth science studies with a holistic approach, integrating solid Earth and atmosphere, and related issues, such as energy, environment, and natural hazards. The department currently has a capacity of twenty-nine faculty members, who have a wide range of expertise and research training. Many of them are decorated with national and international recognition in terms of awards and fellowships.

The department offers a three-year bachelor’s degree (B.Sc. – Honours) in Geological Sciences and a two-year master’s degree in Applied Geology. The department also runs a vibrant PhD program, where students carry out fundamental as well as applied research under the supervision of the faculty members. The course curricula offered by the department are well-curated by continuous evaluation and upgradation, which cover all dimensions of the Earth System. Through innovative classroom teaching/learning methods, direct laboratory/field activities, and industrial experiences, this Department has produced many individuals, who now occupy important positions in universities, research institutions, government, and private sector enterprises in India and abroad.

The choice-based Undergraduate program has been designed to enable students to understand the processes involved in the evolution of the Earth and its environment through time. The curricula utilize the fundamentals of physics, chemistry, mathematics, and biology. Several associated branches of earth sciences, such as geophysics, geohydrology, and environmental geology are taught to widen the scope of geological sciences with application-oriented studies. The Post-Graduate Program in Applied Geology aims to further advance their fundamental understanding with deeper level science problems and opens windows to expose the students to the world of new knowledge generated through research. The direction of this post-graduate program introduces them also to the applied aspects of geological sciences, required to become a sound professional geoscientist. Other than the classroom teaching and laboratory demonstrations, the Department offers students rigorous field training programs in various terranes of India at the undergraduate and postgraduate levels.

The Department of Geological Sciences at Jadavpur University houses a number of state-of-the-art laboratories, which are deployed for both teaching and research. All laboratories are run and maintained by the dedicated research staff, post-docs, and doctoral students. The Department focuses on cutting-edge research fields, covering a wide spectrum of geosciences- hardcore geology to the environment and natural hazard issues. The eye-catching research outcomes are reflected from research articles in top-ranking journals, book chapters, and books, in an academic calendar. The faculty members, students, and alumni of this Department are well recognized nationally and internationally. The faculty members frequently serve as members and chairpersons in various national-level science and administration committees.

Head Of The Department :

Dr. Susanta Kumar Samanta
Phone Number: 2414-6214 (O)
Extension Number: 2457-2268
Email: hod.geology@jadavpuruniversity.in

List of Faculty Members

Anupam Ghosh


Associate Professor

Department of Geological Sciences

📞 : 03324572727

@ : anupam.ghosh@jadavpuruniversity.in

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Associate Professor

Department of Geological Sciences

@ : babara.shah@jadavpuruniversity.in

Dipak C Pal WAST


Department of Geological Sciences

📞 : 03324572724

@ : dipakc.pal@jadavpuruniversity.in; dcpaly2k@yahoo.com



Department of Geological Sciences

📞 : 03324572713

@ : supriya0509@rediffmail.com

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Department of Geological Sciences



Assistant Professor

Department of Geological Sciences

📞 : 03324572191

@ : pragnadityamalakar@gmail.com; pmalakar.geology@jadavpuruniversity.in

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Department of Geological Sciences

Photo Sadhana 1


Associate Professor

Department of Geological Sciences

@ : sadhana.geology@jadavpuruniversity.in

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Department of Geological Sciences

📞 : 03324572723

@ : sanjoy.sanyal@jadavpuruniversity.in

Programs Offered

Bachelor of Geological Science

Duration: 4 years

Doctor of Philosophy in Geological Science

Duration: As per University Rules

Master of Science in Applied Geology

Duration: 2 years

Research Areas

  Environmental Geology and Geochemistry  Geomorphology  Micropaleontology  Fluvial Hydraulics  Igneous Petrology  Metamorphic Petrology, Crustal Evolution  Precambrian Geology, Sedimentology  Sequence Stratigraphy, Geochemistry, Ore Geology  Hydrogeology, Structural Geology, Tectonics  Engineering Geology, Geodynamics, Solid Earth Geophysics

Facilities Available

  ICT Enabled Smart Class Rooms and Seminar Halls  Microscopy and Image Analysis Laboratories with LED Display  Digital Library, Remote Sensing Laboratory, XRD Laboratory, SEM-EDX Laboratory  Sample Preparation Laboratory, Fluid-Inclusion Laboratory, Chemical Laboratory, Geological Museum

Non-Teaching Staff



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    Financial Assistance under the United Nations Development Programme of the UNESCO (1973-1982)    Department with Special Assistance (1973-87)    Department with COSIP Programme (1983-88)    Centre of Advanced Studies (SAP) (up to 2020)    Department with COSIST Programme (1991-96)    DST-FIST (2001-2005, 2015-2020)


Related Links

  • 2nd in State Public University Category, 9th in University Category, 12th in Engineering Category, 18th in Pharmacy Category, 21st in Research Category and 17th in Overall Category.
  • NBA Accreditation: UG-CSE and UG-ETCE for the academic years 2024-25 to 2029-30 & UG-IT, UG-IEE, UG-PE for the academic years 2023-24 to 2025-26
  • NBA Accredited Programs
  • NIRF India Ranking 2023: 4th in ‘University’, 10th in ‘Engineering’, 19th in ‘Research’, 18th in ‘Pharmacy’ and 13th in ‘Overall’ category
  • National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC) reaccredited Jadavpur University for the third cycle with grade A and CGPA 3.68 on a scale of 4
  • QS World University Rankings Asia 2022: Second highest ranked State University in India, Asian rank 162
  • Times (Asia University) Rankings 2021: Ranked in 201-250 band
  • Times World Universities Rankings 2022: Ranked in the 801-1000 band

NBA Accreditation:UG-CSE,ETCE (6yrs) & UG-IT,IEE,PE (3yrs)