January 14, 2025 10:20 pm

NBA Accreditation:UG-CSE,ETCE (6yrs) & UG-IT,IEE,PE (3yrs)

  • 2nd in State Public University Category, 9th in University Category, 12th in Engineering Category, 18th in Pharmacy Category, 21st in Research Category and 17th in Overall Category.
  • NBA Accreditation: UG-CSE and UG-ETCE for the academic years 2024-25 to 2029-30 & UG-IT, UG-IEE, UG-PE for the academic years 2023-24 to 2025-26
  • NBA Accredited Programs
  • NIRF India Ranking 2023: 4th in 'University', 10th in 'Engineering', 19th in 'Research', 18th in 'Pharmacy' and 13th in 'Overall' category
  • National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC) reaccredited Jadavpur University for the third cycle with grade A and CGPA 3.68 on a scale of 4
  • QS World University Rankings Asia 2022: Second highest ranked State University in India, Asian rank 162
  • Times (Asia University) Rankings 2021: Ranked in 201-250 band
  • Times World Universities Rankings 2022: Ranked in the 801-1000 band

Life science & Bio-technology

The department of Life Science and Biotechnology was established in the year 1985. Since its inception, the department has thrived to flourish in various interdisciplinary and vast areas of Life Science. Till now the department has produced a steady flow of high-quality students and scholars who excelled in their careers later. The major strength of the department is its location which is within the close physical proximity of a number of nationally famous Institutes and Research laboratories. Although this opens up the possibility of establishing collaborative research and exchange academic programs with other institutions, the department is the only department in the University, which pursues its academic programme in the area of fundamental and basic life science research. Consequently, the scope of in-house collaborative research and complementation of academic activities with other departments is relatively less. In addition, the financial and other support of the host institution to the department is not adequate. Therefore, the major current challenge for the department is to expand vigorously within the available limited support systems of the University


The biotechnology programme at Jadavpur University started with a master’s course (M. Tech. in Biotechnology) in the year 1985. The initial objective of this course was to induct engineering graduates into this emerging technology and train them to support the growing biotechnology industry of the country.

However, in the later time, the postgraduate students from different science streams were also admitted into this program. The overall experience in fulfilling the above objectives had been satisfactory. At a later stage, however, most of the students coming from the engineering streams were Pharmacy graduates (B. Pharm.), few students used to come from chemical engineering or food Technology. Among the science students, the response was more encouraging.

In 2006, a two year M. Sc. in Biotechnology program was introduced, in which the students from all disciplines of Science, eg. Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Zoology, Botany, Physiology, Microbiology and Biochemistry honours graduate were inducted. Most of the graduated students opted for further research to earn their Ph. D. degree from JU as well as other reputed Universities in India and abroad. A small number of students joined various private biotechnology, pharma and other industries. Yet another smaller fraction went for several government sectors.

Head Of The Department :

Prof. Biswadip Das
Phone Number: 2414-6710 (O)
Extension Number: 2457-2466 2457-2923
Email: hod.lifescbiotech@jadavpuruniversity.in

List of Faculty Members

AA Photo


Assistant Professor

Department of Life science & Bio-technology

@ : arghyaa.lifesc@jadavpuruniversity.in

Arunima Sengupta


Assistant Professor

Department of Life science & Bio-technology

📞 : 03324572193

@ : arunima.sengupta@jadavpuruniversity.in | arunimasengupta2013@gmail.com



Department of Life science & Bio-technology

📞 : 03324572923

@ : biswadip.das@jadavpuruniversity.in

IMG 4044



Department of Life science & Bio-technology

@ : gour.cubot@gmail.com I gourangaupadhyaya.lsbt@jadavpuruniversity.in



Assistant Professor

Department of Life science & Bio-technology

📞 : 03324572992

@ : paltuk.dhal@jadavpuruniversity.in

resized Rg


Department of Life science & Bio-technology

📞 : 3324572185

@ : ratan.gachhui@jadavpuruniversity.in

IMG 20240905 WA0021


Assistant Professor

Department of Life science & Bio-technology

@ : src.lifesc@jadavpuruniversity.in

Programs Offered

Doctor of Philosophy in Science(Life science & Bio-technology)

Duration: As per University Rules

IDC/MDC in Biotechnology

Master of Science in Biotechnology

Duration: 2 years
Intake: 20 students

Research Areas

  Cell and molecular biology of cardiac and skeletal muscle growth and repair  To investigate the cellular and molecular mechanisms of cardiac diseases involving several transcription factors including FOXO, FOXM1, NFATc3 and Tbx20.   To investigate how the several extracellular pathological (hypertrophic and fibrotic) stimulations like hyperglycemia, pollutants (arsenic toxicity) is perceived and converted into intracellular signals and how these signals change the transcriptional program that eventually leads to cardiac malfunction.  To explore and investigate the molecular mechanisms of ER-stress induced cardio-protective pathway to restore normal function in the context of diabetic cardiomyopathy and thereby a possible way to ameliorate it.  Cell Biology: DNA repair, DNA double-strand breaks are some of the most prevalent threats to the genome. These damages are mainly repaired by NHEJ and HR pathways. Recently PTEN is emerging as an essential component for both pathways. We are interested to explore the role of PTEN in these pathways. One step further we are also focusing on the epigenetic regulation of PTEN and their functional consequences in genomic stability, chromosomal abnormalities, aneuploidy/polyploidy.   Ageing: Aging and age-associated diseases are common in any population. Different factors like pollution, genetic and lifestyle are attributed to developing faster ageing and age-associated diseases. One of the major causes of ageing is the slower autophagy process which contributes to the removal of cellular garbage. We are trying to find the contribution of a few ageing associated proteins like WRN, PTEN in autophagy. We are mainly focusing on the molecular defects associated with these proteins which are responsible for defective autophagy.   Nanobiotechnology: Nanotechnology is an emerging area of research in medical science. Different nano-based vehicles are widely tested for their ability to deliver drugs for therapeutic purposes. We are developing polymeric nanomaterials which are biocompatible to deliver herbal excipients for wound healing. Different herbal plants and polymeric nanomaterials are being tested to develop cheap and efficient wound healing agents.   Cell Biology: DNA repair, DNA double-strand breaks are some of the most prevalent threats to the genome. These damages are mainly repaired by NHEJ and HR pathways. Recently PTEN is emerging as an essential component for both pathways. We are interested to explore the role of PTEN in these pathways. One step further we are also focusing on the epigenetic regulation of PTEN and their functional consequences in genomic stability, chromosomal abnormalities, aneuploidy/polyploidy.   Ageing: Aging and age-associated diseases are common in any population. Different factors like pollution, genetic and lifestyle are attributed to developing faster ageing and age-associated diseases. One of the major causes of ageing is the slower autophagy process which contributes to the removal of cellular garbage. We are trying to find the contribution of a few ageing-associated proteins like WRN, PTEN in autophagy. We are mainly focusing on the molecular defects associated with these proteins which are responsible for defective autophagy.   Nanobiotechnology: Nanotechnology is an emerging area of research in medical science. Different nano-based vehicles are widely tested for their ability to deliver drugs for therapeutic purposes. We are developing polymeric nanomaterials which are biocompatible to deliver herbal excipients for wound healing. Different herbal plants and polymeric nanomaterials are being tested to develop cheap and efficient wound healing agents.

Facilities Available

  List of facilities /infrastructure: Water & Electricity, Laboratory Space/Furniture, AC Room or AC, Telecommunication including e-mail & fax, Administrative/Secretarial support, Information facilities like Internet/ Library/Digital Library, Computational facilities, Remote and On Site Server  List of Equipment above Rs.5.00 lakhs: Refrigerated Cold centrifuge – Thermo Scientific (2), Eppendorf (2), Ultra-Low Freezer (-80C) (3) – Thermo Scientific, Esco (2), Sonicator – Sonics Inc., Vacuum Evaporator – Eyela, Fluorescence Microscope – Olympus, Leica, PCR machine (5) – BioRad, Perkin Elmer, Applied Biosystems, Water Purification System – Millipore, Spectrophotometer – Hitachi, Spectroflurometer – Hitachi, Gel Documentation System (3) – UVITech Inc. and BioRad (2), ELISA Reader – BioRad, Step-One Real Time PCR – Applied BioSystems, Incubator Shaker – New Brunswick Scientific, Chemidoc System (2) – Thermo Scientific and Applied Biosystems, Phase Contrast Microscope – Lawrence and Mayo, Gene Pulser Electroporator – BioRad, iBright Gel documentation system, Fluorescence microscope with comet software, Dynamic light scattering, Multimode Reader, Biosafety cabinet/cell culture hood level II and CO2 incubator, Workstations (2), HPLC, ORION STAR 140TM Multimeter

Non-Teaching Staff



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Related Links

  • 2nd in State Public University Category, 9th in University Category, 12th in Engineering Category, 18th in Pharmacy Category, 21st in Research Category and 17th in Overall Category.
  • NBA Accreditation: UG-CSE and UG-ETCE for the academic years 2024-25 to 2029-30 & UG-IT, UG-IEE, UG-PE for the academic years 2023-24 to 2025-26
  • NBA Accredited Programs
  • NIRF India Ranking 2023: 4th in ‘University’, 10th in ‘Engineering’, 19th in ‘Research’, 18th in ‘Pharmacy’ and 13th in ‘Overall’ category
  • National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC) reaccredited Jadavpur University for the third cycle with grade A and CGPA 3.68 on a scale of 4
  • QS World University Rankings Asia 2022: Second highest ranked State University in India, Asian rank 162
  • Times (Asia University) Rankings 2021: Ranked in 201-250 band
  • Times World Universities Rankings 2022: Ranked in the 801-1000 band

NBA Accreditation:UG-CSE,ETCE (6yrs) & UG-IT,IEE,PE (3yrs)